Q: If you client with GDM is not finding success with diet modification, what should your next move be?

a) Refer them out/transfer care for insulin or other medication

b) Investigate lifestyle factors that may be aggravating blood sugar levels

c) Consider supplements to support blood sugar balancing

A: b) 

While supplements may be helpful (and are discussed in this course), lifestyle factors such as sleep problems, stress, etc should first be addressed.

Functional Nutrition and Bio-Individuality in the Prevention and Management of GDM provides 6 hours of ACNM approved CE. 


Need it for NARM's Midwifery Bridge Certificate? 

Please enroll in this version instead.

Q: Is it essential to place stitches so that the two sides of the stitch are directly across from each other, or is it just a good idea to do when possible?

A: It is essential! In order to approximate the tissue correctly, it is important that the stitch goes straight across the wound. (Remember: The stitch is the part you don't see - it is under the tissue.)

Hands-On Suturing provides 8 hours of CE. 


Q: True or false: Nettles is a great herb to combine with Eluthero.

A: True! And in most of the United States, you'll need to harvest those nettles sooner than later (be sure to do it before the nettles flower). Nettles can be used to make many things, including nesto (nettle pesto), which is delicious and we have a great step-by-step with pictures recipe here.

To learn more about eluthero and the science behind adaptogens, enroll in Adaptogens for Stress Related Dysfunctions, which is provides 3 hours of CE for midwives and nurses. [LEARN MORE]

Q: How many people experience plugged ducts while lactating?

a) about 1/3
b) about 2/3
c) over 90%

A: About 2/3 of lactating parents experience plugged ducts. Although "benign," recurrent plugged ducts is a reason why some discontinue breastfeeding/cheastfeeding sooner than planned.

Care for the Lactating Body addresses this common problem with effective and evidence-based solutions. [LEARN MORE]

Q: True or false: The use of coercion is acceptable in an emergency situation if needed to perform life-saving care.

A: False

Community Birth transfers happen. There is no stopping them, but there are things to do to make the experience the best it can be for everyone involved.  

Often midwives, emergency services personnel, nurses, and receiving hospital providers don't receive training on how to work together as a care team. We frequently find ourselves trying to provide care in stressful emergency situations without the information or skills we need to do so effectively.

We're ready to change that and work together to improve care! This one-of-a-kind course will help all provider types work together smoothly so we can improve outcomes and the experience of care for mothers and babies.

Q: True or False: It is important that your fee schedule (also called price list) be set up by CPT code.

A: True

Have you been overwhelmed by the process of writing out your price list/fee schedule? 

Setting your midwifery fees is all about finding that sweet spot - not too high, not too low. But what defines that, and what information do you need to determine the appropriate fees for your area?

This mini-course outlines multiply pathways to those answers, and then holds your hand through the process, with downloadable worksheets, walkthrough videos, and examples. 

Bonus: All course participants are invited to attend an optional drop-in Zoom session on Thursday, February 17, 2022, for live Q&A and personalized support in this process. If you learn best from live, personalized instruction, be sure to enroll and complete the on-demand course by February 16th, 2022.

Q: About how long it is thought to usually take for a healthy term baby to progress from the start of primary apnea, through secondary apnea, to death?

a) 20 min

b) 40 min

c) 60 min

d) the time varies based on the reason for the distress 

A: The answer is only 20 minutes! 

Are your skills for monitoring and evaluating FHTs the best they can be? 

In Fetal Assessment in Labor (2nd edition), Holly Scholles dissects the complex tangle of fetal assessment, and translates the latest recommendations of ACOG along with the original consensus of the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), to create recommendations specific to the out-of-hospital setting, and in accordance with the Biodynamic model of midwifery.

This course includes video footage from her live presentation in 2016, along with handy reference guides to use in your practice, exercises and quizzes to reinforce the information from the lecture, and the opportunity to participate in an online discussion regarding the real-world application of these concepts or to clarify questions.

The second edition has been expanded with:

  • New videos
  • New handouts
  • Interactive exercises using audio recordings of FHTs
  • Interactive exercises using written scenarios

Q: If used for the same amount of time, which two devices would have about the same potential to create heat and cavitation (production of small pockets of gas in body fluids or tissues)?

a) 3 MHz Doppler (used to listen to FHTs) and Transabdominal Ultrasound (2D imaging)

b) Transabdominal Ultrasound (2D imaging) and Transvaginal Ultrasound (2D imaging)

c) this varies by brand, no across the board statements can be made regarding this 

A: If used for the same amount of time, a handheld 3 MHz Doppler (commonly used by midwives to listen to FHTs) has about the same potential to create heat and cavitation (production of small pockets of gas in body fluids or tissues) as Transabdominal Ultrasound (2D imaging).

To learn more about myths and truths regarding ultrasound safety, under what circumstances and to what degree results are accurate, and what follow-up is needed for abnormal findings, enroll in Understanding Ultrasounds by 12/20/21 at 20% off using the code HiveCE5UU. (Course may be completed at your own pace.)

This course addresses:

  • Safety concerns and considerations
  • Dating accuracy
  • AFI Accuracy by method
  • Accuracy of interval growth vs estimated weight
  • Full BPP vs Modified BPP
  • Normal and abnormal placental grading
  • Early bradycardia, early tachycardia, choroid plexus cysts, ovarian cysts, subchorionic hemorrhage, increased nuchal translucency, echogenic cardiac focus, single umbilical artery, echogenic bowel, ventriculomegaly, hydrocephaly, hydronephrosis/renal pelviectasis, and other "common uncommon findings."

Please note: This course will NOT train you to perform ultrasounds.

Q: Under HIPAA, which of the following instances will require a WRITTEN authorization to share the chart? (choose all that are true)

a)  you refer your client to MFM for evaluation of a possible fetal heart defect
b) your client moves out of state and changes to a new care provider in their new locale
c) you transfer your client to a hospital-based CNM in pregnancy due to pre-eclampsia
d) you transfer your client to the hospital in labor

A: Out of the scenarios above, the only instance where a written authorization would be required under HIPAA is option (b), when your client moves out of state and changes to a new care provider in their new locale. 

To learn more about HIPAA compliance, we offer two versions of A Heappa HIPAA Help and Heroic Updates: for MEAC CE, and for employee training (same course, no CE credit).

To receive access to a packet of downloadable HIPAA forms, ready-to-customize with your practice information, choose the HIPAA Heroes bundle. This will provide you with access to the MEAC CE version of the course, and over 20 forms!

Upcoming Questions

Q: Can I use the Green Bottle Method sliding scale for my midwifery fees?

Question Pair:

Q1: A white baby who is formula fed should have jaundice levels drop to below 3mg by when?

a) Day 2

b) Day 5

c) two weeks

d) six weeks

Q2: An African-American baby who is breastfed should have jaundice levels drop to below 3mg by when?

a) Day 2

b) Day 5

c) two weeks

d) six weeks