Understanding Ultrasounds: 

Using Ultrasound for Risk Assessment in Pregnancy

Has a pregnant person ever asked you...

"I've heard ultrasound waves can overheat the baby. Is that true?"

"I worry about getting an sonogram. How can I get the most important information with the least 'intervention'?"

"I've heard that ultrasound isn't accurate anyway. Can you tell me when it is...and isn't?"

Do you have the in-depth answers clients need regarding concerns about safety and accuracy? 

Are you confident in your knowledge of appropriate follow-up for common findings? If you are a midwife, do you know when to consult or refer?

Understanding Ultrasounds provides midwives, nurses, and everyone providing perinatal care with the evidence behind safety and accuracy, and translates the report from findings to meanings.

Midwives who take this course will learn the significance of and appropriate response to: early bradycardia, early tachycardia, choroid plexus cysts, ovarian cysts, subchorionic hemorrhage, increased nuchal translucency, echogenic cardiac focus, single umbilical artery, echogenic bowel, ventriculomegaly, hydrocephaly, hydronephrosis/renal pelviectasis, and other "uncommon common findings."

Nurses who take this course will deepen their understanding of ultrasounds so they may fully answer client/patient questions and concerns regarding ultrasound, with detailed safety information, and provide in-depth education to clients/patients whose reports come back with findings. This course is appropriate for nurses providing prenatal care in any setting.

Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Identify individuals who are qualified to perform and interpret diagnostic obstetrical sonograms.
  • Indicate the guidelines for the reporting, and performance, of obstetrical exams.
  • Recognize and practice ultrasound safety.
  • Evaluate sonographic dating accuracy in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters.
  • Breakdown an ultrasound report and identify its parts.
  • Describe common ultrasound findings found on a report, their association with various anomalies, and when to follow-up.
  • Explain fetal biometry and growth measurements and how they can affect patient care.
  • Compare the Full Biophysical Profile and Modified Biophysical Profile.
  • Determine the accuracy of Amniotic Fluid measurements.
  • Identify placental grading.
  • Explain the benefits vs risks of sonography in midwifery care.

Course materials include two downloadable/printable PDFs for use with clients:

  1. frequently asked questions regarding ultrasound use in pregnancy 
  2. informed choice form regarding ultrasound in pregnancy

Please note: This course will NOT train you to perform ultrasounds. 

HiveCE is an approved provider of continuing education by the California Board of Nursing, and this course is provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17686, for 4 contact hours, through November 30th, 2025. (This is widely accepted nationwide as continuing education for nurses and midwives. This course is accepted by NARM as Category 1 CE for CPM renewal.)

Approved for the NARM Midwifery Bridge Certificate, Category 1.

Previously approved by MEAC for 4 hours of continuing education (approval number M1920-122-0731DE) through 8/31/2022.

Note: Course completion does not authorize the learner to use skills outside their scope. Please refer to your state guidelines for determining scope of care.

For information regarding our refund policy and other Frequently Asked Questions, please refer to our FAQ. If you have additional questions, please email [email protected].

Course Evaluation Comments

Shared with permission from our

“This broadened my knowledge of what ultrasound findings mean beyond the recommended follow ups, which will help me explain them to clients.”

Participant, December 2023

Certified Nurse Midwife

“Well planned and executed, and I learned a lot. Thank you.”

Participant, May 2024

Certified Professional Midwife

“Excellent course. I appreciate the many examples of actual ultrasound images throughout.”

Cindy H

Licensed Midwife

“So informative!”

Monika K

Certified Professional Midwife

“Really enjoyed this course.”

Amy R

Certified Professional Midwife

“Excellent course. I learned a lot.”

Pamela H

Licensed Midwife

  • Alisa Copeland, RDMS


    Alisa Copeland is a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (ARDMS.org), with specialty certifications in abdomen, ob/gyn, nuchal translucency, and cervical length. She is also a retired radiographer and mammographer. She has over 25 years of ob/gyn experience working in hospitals, the private ob/gyn sector, and with midwives. She currently is a sonographer at a private OB clinic, and at Beautiful Beginning Birth Center. In addition to her extensive experience as a sonographer, she is currently a senior apprentice midwife at the Midwife Training Center in Austin, Texas. She understands the desire for parents to receive individualized care, so they may make fully informed decisions.

    Alisa Copeland


Course curriculum

  • 01
    Show details
    • Important Course Details and Tour
  • 02
    Quality Ultrasound Exams: Where, Who, How?
    Show details
    • 1.1 Ultrasound Facilities
    • 1.2 Sonographer Qualifications
    • 1.3 Who May Interpret?
    • 1.4 Regulations
    • 1.5 Safety Concerns and Considerations
    • Article: Ultrasound Biosafety Considerationsfor the Practicing Sonographer and Sonologist
    • Where Who How Quiz
  • 03
    Understanding the Report
    Show details
    • 2.1 Anatomy of a Report
    • 2.2 Legal Disclaimer
  • 04
    First Trimester
    Show details
    • 3.1 Abdominal vs Vaginal Probe
    • 3.2 First Trimester Dating
    • 3.3 ART Considerations and Twin Typing
    • 3.4 First Trimester Common Findings
    • First Trimester Quiz
  • 05
    Second Trimester
    Show details
    • 4.1 Second Trimester Dating
    • 4.2 Second Trimester Common Findings
    • Second Trimester Quiz
  • 06
    Third Trimester
    Show details
    • 5.1 Third Trimester Dating
    • 5.2 Third Trimester Biometry and Growth
    • 5.3 To (Routine Third Trimester) Scan or Not?
    • Article: ACR Appropriateness Criteria Assessment of Fetal Well-Being
    • Article: Joint ACOG AIUM Committee Option #700
    • 5.4 BPP and Modified BPP
    • 5.5 AFI
    • Third Trimester Quiz
  • 07
    Show details
    • 6.1 Placental Grading
    • Placental Grading Quiz
  • 08
    Clinical Considerations
    Show details
    • 7.1 Clinical Considerations
    • Printable PDF (for clients!): Prenatal Ultrasound FAQ
    • Printable PDF (for clients!): Informed Choice Form for Routine Prenatal Ultrasound
    • Article: ‘Ultrasound is an invaluable third eye, but it can’t see everything’: a qualitative study with obstetricians in Australia
  • 09
    Post-test and CE Certificate
    Show details
    • MEAC Evaluation Questions
    • Post-test

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Review Comments

  • By Cathi Cogle

    “Well researched and taught in such a way that makes it easier for us to understand, who don't use it everyday. ”

    “Well researched and taught in such a way that makes it easier for us to understand, who don't use it everyday. ”

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