Is your organization hosting in-person or online continuing education? 

Would you like your presentation to be available in our course library - widening the reach, and increasing your fundraising efforts?

HiveCE is now seeking pre-recorded submissions! 

  • For online presentations, please record using the recording software, then email the link to [email protected] for review. 
  • For in-person conferences, please contact [email protected] prior to your conference, for instructions on how to record for submission.
  • All private courses for Organizational Members will automatically be reviewed for this purpose.
  • If selected, your organization will receive an offer detailing next steps, profit sharing, etc.

Questions? Email [email protected]

Happy to answer questions via email, or schedule a Zoom meeting.

Did you know?

  • Over 4500 professionals use HiveCE for their continuing education.

  • HiveCE runs on a profit-share model.

  • HiveCE has raised over $70,000 for partner organizations!