Should thyroid antibodies be routinely tested for in pregnancy? 

Which postpartum thyroid condition can be deadly?

What are the safe ways to ensure adequate iodine during pregnancy? Is routine iodine supplementation safe?

If you thought you knew about thyroid but are struggling with the answers to those questions, this course is for you!

Course Evaluations

Shared with permission from our

“I often struggle taking classes, but the way the information was organized and clearly presented in an easy to understand manner was successful in achieving the learning goal. I would take many more classes presented in this fashion with this presenter. Thank you!”

Vanessa L

Certified Professional Midwife

“I really appreciate the quizzes at the end of each segment. Great information! Thank you!”

Beth F

Naturopathic Doctor

“Great class, very informative”

Bethaney B

Certified Nurse Midwife

“This was a very informative and well laid out course. I highly recommend!”

Amanda L

Certified Nurse Midwife

“This was so well organized and the graphics and charts were so helpful. The instructor was clearly knowledgeable about the topic and the discussions about our scope as midwives and honoring the need for referrals was much valued.”

Melek O

Licensed Midwife

“I was really impressed that I am walking away from this course with more of an understanding with a subject which I'd never been able to say that about! Holly is such a wonderful instructor- thank you!”

Melissa G

Certified Professional Midwife

“Thank you! I really loved this course and feel like I have a much better idea of what I am looking for in thyroid labs. I would recommend this course to any midwife.”

Kristin G

Licensed Midwife

“I finally have a mental grasp on the concept of thyroid hormones and their production. The D/O section was very useful, enough to update my practice guidelines. Thank you. I highly recommend.”

Rebecca H

Certified Professional Midwife

“Very helpful in clarifying thyroid disorders in pregnancy. It is one of those topics I always knew was important but was never quite clear on who I should be testing, what I should be looking for, etc. I feel much more prepared for the next time I encounter this.”

Irena F

Certified Professional Midwife

Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Discuss the role of thyroid hormones in the body
  • Explain the role of maternal thyroid in fetal development (low maternal thyroid leads to irreversible cognitive development deficits and increases risk of neurodevelopmental disorders)
  • Explain the interplay between thyroid and stress (the H-P-T axis is stress sensitive and may be involved in stress regulation systems in the brain)
  • Explain the hormonal sequence leading to the production of thyroid hormones
  • Define TRH, TSH, T4, T3, TBG
  • Describe normal range lab values for TSH, T4 in a non-pregnant woman
  • Explain the impact of estrogen and of hCG on thyroid production
  • Discuss how pregnancy changes TSH and T4 values
  • Define hypothyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism
  • Differentiate subclinical hypothyroidism from clinical hypothyroidism
  • Differentiate “primary” from “secondary” hypothyroidism
  • Define Hashimoto's Disease including cause
  • Describe how Hashimoto's Disease is diagnosed, including labs
  • Explain treatment of Hashimoto's Disease and how it differs from other hypothyroid treatments 
  • List signs, symptoms, and diagnostic criteria for subclinical hypothyroidism and for hypothyroidism
  • Explain treatment of hypothyroidism
  • Describe how low thyroid impacts pregnancy outcomes
  • Define hyperthyroidism
  • Define Graves Disease
  • Explain etiology and risk factors for hyperthyroidism
  • List signs, symptoms, and diagnostic criteria for hyperthyroidism
  • Explain treatment of high thyroid levels
  • Describe impact of hyperthyroidism on pregnancy outcomes
  • Explain postpartum hyperthyroidism and describe its course and treatment. (pp thyroiditis)
  • Define Sheehan's Syndrome, including its cause (pp pituitary necrosis due to severe pp hemorrhage) and prognosis (permanent and increasing destruction of gland)
  • List four clinical consequences of Sheehan's Syndrome
  • List four potential complications of Sheehan's Syndrome

HiveCE is an approved provider of continuing education by the California Board of Nursing, and this course is provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 17686, for 4 contact hours, through November 30th, 2025. (This is widely accepted nationwide as continuing education for nurses and midwives. This course is accepted by NARM as Category 1 CE for CPM renewal.)

Approved for the NARM Midwifery Bridge Certificate, Category 1.

This course was previously approved by MEAC from January 16th, 2018 through January 16th, 2020, under MEAC approval number M1718-50-0101DE; and through January 31st of 2022 under MEAC approval number M1920-53-0101DE.

Note: Course completion does not authorize the learner to use skills outside their scope. Please refer to your state guidelines for determining scope of care.

For information regarding our refund policy and other Frequently Asked Questions, please refer to our FAQ. If you have additional questions, please email [email protected].

  • Instructor:

    Holly Scholles, MA, CPM, is a homebirth midwife with over 40 years of experience, and was the founder and president of Birthingway College of Midwifery. She is also an anthropologist specializing in human reproduction and medical anthropology.

    Holly Scholles

    MA, CPM

Course curriculum

  • 01
    Start Here!
    Show details
    • How To Use HiveCE
    • Readings (optional)
    • Study Guide
  • 02
    1: Thyroid
    Show details
    • Video 1.1: The Players
    • Video 1.2: The Production Process
    • Video 1.3: Non-pregnant Values
    • Quiz 1
  • 03
    2: Thyroid In Pregnancy
    Show details
    • Video 2.1: Impact on the Fetus
    • Video 2.2: Normal Changes In Pregnancy
    • Quiz 2
  • 04
    3: But what about...
    Show details
    • Video 3.1: What About Iodine?
    • Video 3.2: What About Antibodies?
    • Quiz 3
  • 05
    4: Hypothyroidism
    Show details
    • Video 4.1: Subclinical Hypothyroidism
    • Video 4.2: Types of Hypothyroidism
    • Video 4.3: Risk Factors, Causes, S/S, Complication, Rule Outs
    • Video 4.4: Screening and Management
    • Quiz 4
  • 06
    5: Hyperthyroidism
    Show details
    • Video 5.1: Types of Hyperthyroidism
    • Video 5.2: Risk Factors, Causes, and S/S
    • Video 5.3: Thyroid Storm
    • Video 5.4: Other Complications and Rule Outs
    • Video 5.5: What Shall We Do About This?
    • Quiz 5
  • 07
    6: The Great Chart
    Show details
    • Printable PDF: Thyroid Disorders Chart
    • Video 6.1: Thyroid Disorders Chart
  • 08
    7: Postpartum Thyroid Disorders
    Show details
    • Video 7.1: Postpartum Thyroiditis Explained
    • Video 7.2: Postpartum Thyroiditis Factors, Complications, and Management
    • Video 7.3: Sheehan's Syndrome Explained
    • Video 7.4: Sheehan's Clinical Features, Complications, and Treatment
    • Quiz 7
  • 09
    8: Conclusion and Post-test (to generate CE certificate)
    Show details
    • Video 8.1: Conclusion
    • MEAC Evaluation Questions
    • Post-test

Instant Unlimited Access

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  • By Darlene Scrivner

    “Very good class for learning about thyroid issues pre-pregnancy, during each trimester of pregnancy as well as postpartum. ”

    “Very good class for learning about thyroid issues pre-pregnancy, during each trimester of pregnancy as well as postpartum. ”

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  • By Elizabeth Spring

    “This course finally offers what we have been missing! Making sense of thyroid hormones in relation to pregnancy in a simplified but educational way. I am very impressed. Thank you!”

    “This course finally offers what we have been missing! Making sense of thyroid hormones in relation to pregnancy in a simplified but educational way. I am very impressed. Thank you!”

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  • By Nadya Cload

    “Great coverage and base of knowledge about a subject that needs to be understood, but often isn't. ”

    “Great coverage and base of knowledge about a subject that needs to be understood, but often isn't. ”

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  • By Donna M Lafferty

    “This class was phenomenal. Honestly I will probably take it again because there was so much to take in I need to hear it again. This course give invaluable information and I've already used it in my practice. In fact, the reminder that a mother...”

    Read More

    “This class was phenomenal. Honestly I will probably take it again because there was so much to take in I need to hear it again. This course give invaluable information and I've already used it in my practice. In fact, the reminder that a mother should feel better and not have "thyroid symptoms" 1 year postpartum led to further testing of my own daughter in law which led to a biopsy and a partial thyroidectomy for pre-cancerous cycts. You will not go wrong taking this class and the handouts are definitely worth printing and keeping.”

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  • By Yutta Engel

    “excellent class!!”

    “excellent class!!”

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  • By Sarah Moore

    “I really enjoyed this course. It was laid out and presented well. The handouts were very helpful! Thank you! ”

    “I really enjoyed this course. It was laid out and presented well. The handouts were very helpful! Thank you! ”

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  • By Tanya Walker

    “I thought that Holly presented the material in an easy to understand, informative way. ”

    “I thought that Holly presented the material in an easy to understand, informative way. ”

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